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Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Tauruses are hardworking, determined and loyal individuals. They value stability and security, and they are warm, gentle, sensual and highly dependable. They enjoy a full exploration of the senses and finer aspects of life. Hardworking, they take a practical approach to life and are excellent with money. They are ambitious, focused and resilient. Pleasure is what they need, and they feel most content when pampered. Taureans are stubborn and are resistant to change. They are romantics at heart who seek long-term love and happy relationships. They are perseverant whether it comes to relationships or careers. Taureans prioritise consistency and reliability in all aspects of their lives. Though occasionally obstinate, they make dependable individuals who can soothe their friends and partners with their devotion.

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Weekly Taurus Horoscope

(Weekly - July 21, 2024 - July 27, 2024)
The efforts you put into your ventures till now, will start attaining benefits. For the time being, you can just sit down and relax. Then you can start plucking the ripe fruits of your hard labour.Try to keep aside your proud, impatient and bombastic nature while dealing with your siblings as chances are there for minor clashes with your brothers or sisters.Whatever be your specific career choice or your interests, the combinations of your tenacity, drive and sheer endurance is a winning one that most people are too weak to compete against your energy and willingness.This week, as you will spend more time with your new found love, it will help you find out the virtues you possess as a male like being wonderful, witty and generous.As per signs, you will go through complex situations for a few days. You will find yourself restless and argumentative in whatever work you undertake. You will feel that you lack the power for analysing to reach an intelligent decision.You will prove to be romantic for your love for whom life really isn't worth living without your love and care.You will find some of your friends misusing your faithfulness and loyalty. They will make you feel depressed and ashamed that you relied upon them for such a long time.You are prone to nervousness which will make you do some blunders with your near and dear ones. A heartfelt apology may enable you to rescue from the consequences, even though it is not fully guaranteed for the time being.It will prove to be a better prospect for you as you will find out your co-workers are more than a helping hand to achieve your goal.As a born leader, you are a pioneer with a purpose. You tend to reach your goals in straightforward ways and without hurting anyone.
Taurus Compatibility
Taurus Highly Compatible Zodiac
 ||  Capricorn
 ||  Pisces
Taurus Strength
Reliable, patient, practical, devoted, responsible, stable
Taurus Weakness
Stubborn, possessive, uncompromising
Taurus Favourable Colors
Blue, Green and Pink
Taurus Favourable Numbers
2, 4, 6, 11
Taurus Love Compatibility
Taureans are loyal, steadfast and grounded partners. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, which makes them romantic and supportive. They have exquisite taste, and their approach to romance is indeed enveloping. With a Taurus, you can expect an immersive journey through the sights, sounds and flavours of romance. Taurus expresses their romantic interests by exploring sensual luxury in rich cuisine, intoxicating perfumes, etc. Taureans may take disagreements personally and do not like to budge or change their minds. Taureans enjoy relaxing in serene environments, surrounded by soft sounds, comforting aromas, and delicious flavours. They tend to be routine-obsessed and gravitate towards what they feel good and comfortable with. They make steadfast and loyal friends who are trustworthy and stable. They are warm and inviting when you need them the most. They appreciate people who give off a similar grounded nature.
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