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2022 Aquarius Horoscope

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Aquarius 2022 Horoscope

The year 2022 will impact your personal as well as professional life. The planets Jupiter and Saturn will be impacting all the matters through placement and aspect. The minor planets also will support these planets in fulfilling their duty. Jupiter is the planet for life, and Saturn is Karma, so you must follow a righteous path. Otherwise, you will be inviting trouble. Being an Aquarius, you are very hopeful and focused on your profits. Still, there is nothing wrong with being cautious. This is when the universe shows your enemies, and you have to give special attention to the employees in the lower rings. Give them the respect and care which they need. Other interactions can be on a need to basis.You need a lot of rest and sleep during this year, that too during the first half of the year. During this month, you will gain new contacts from personal and professional domains. Please make to use the time given by the kind universe to better others and yourself. There can be some financial issues, so avoid spending on unnecessary things. You need to save rather than spend. This would help you prepare for a tougher tomorrow. In 2022, the importance of your relationships will get highlighted. Adjusting with your friends, partner and business partners will bring you a better atmosphere in your personal life and professional front. Your friends and partners, too, may want to clear some points with you. You will be attending team activities like entertainment and social gatherings. Job seekers from this domain also will have multiple projects. So, deal with this period with a serious approach. You will have opportunities with romance as well. Those who work as writers, teachers and motivational coaches will have a lot of opportunities. During the second half of 2022, there will be a lot of travelling and short trips; you may have to multitask. You will try to shape your ventures. In the beginning, your major focus will be on your finances. This is not a great beginning for your finances, so don't take risks. Please be ready for unexpected expenses. Your diet and workout will become very important this year, and physical health will also be the main focus. You will try to improve your appearance as well.
Aquarius 2022 Love and Marriage
The bigger planets Jupiter and Saturn will be impacting your sign and the seventh house of marriage. Jupiter will be impacting the fifth house of romance in the first half of 2022. So, this is a major year for those who seek love and romance. However, Jupiter or Saturn, are not the planets for love and romance, but they are heavy planet indicating your karma and dharma. So, the transit through the first house will force you to take major decisions regarding your relationship. Saturn is the planet for delay and obstacles, so decision making can be delayed. If your mahadasa and antra dasa are promising a marriage then, you will have some opportunities to have a new relationship or marriage. Otherwise, you will be meeting people and searching for suitable alliances. This is also a year to attend many social gatherings too, in order to find likeminded people.


Aquarius 2022 Career and Business
Career related matters will be active throughout the year as Saturn will be impacting the sixth house of work in the first half and the tenth house of career in the second half. During the first half when Saturn stays in Capricorn, it will aspect the sixth house of work and colleagues. This is a very big time for those who work in creative industry as Jupiter will be impacting the fifth house. Politicians, teachers, businessman and mentors also will find this as a very important time. Projects from technical and financial domains are also seen during this year. This is the time to work in competitive projects as well. You will be looking for new opportunities at work. Please be careful with your interaction with your colleagues, otherwise there will be challenges. Please make sure, you are staying away from all gossips. This is a time to work in extra projects, mostly from the creative domain.


Aquarius 2022 Health
The whole year of 2022 will be very significant for your health. During the first half of the year Saturn will be moving through Capricorn and that will be impacting the health and happiness. You will have complex dreams and they will give you some signals. There are some burdens which are making your slightly discouraged. This situation will change in the second half when Saturn will move into your sign. From then onwards, you will be looking for a support as Saturn will make you feel very responsible. If you are too burdened, then you should take the support of your well wishers.The lower abdominal area will be very much triggered and you will have to be careful with your diet. If you are already suffering from any health related concern, then the first half will be a little challenging for you. So, you have to be very careful.


Aquarius 2022 Wealth and Finances
During the first half of the year Saturn will be impacting the second house of finances, so there will be some challenges. Saturn is the planet for delays and obstacles, so saving money can be a challenge. This is a time to cut your expenses; otherwise there will be long term financial issues. You want to save, but the situations may not be that favorable. Lending and borrowing money are also seen. You must not get into any complicated business deals. It will not be wise to get into any unsolicited financial dealings. When Jupiter moves out of Aquarius, it will start impacting the eighth house of volatility. So, from the later part of 2022, you will be having some challenges again. Altogether 2022 is going to be a challenging year for finances and you have to be careful.


Aquarius Compatibility
Aquarius Highly Compatible Zodiac
 ||  Gemini
 ||  Libra
 ||  Sagittarius
Aquarius Strength
Progressive, original, independent, humanitarian
Aquarius Weakness
Runs from emotional expression, temperamental, uncompromising, aloof
Aquarius Favourable Colors
Electric Blue, Grey, Ultramarine Blue
Aquarius Favourable Numbers
2, 3, 7, 9
Aquarius Love Compatibility
Aquarians romantic characteristics make them somewhat non-traditional in relationships. They believe in having a solid platonic relationship with a romantic partner. They prefer to consider their lover like their friend. Therefore, a sense of camaraderie and loyalty is essential for them. They tend to think about things objectively and can sometimes gain a reputation for being emotionally detached. This could be difficult for a more sensitive partner. Aquarians prefer to do things their way without considering others. It is better to understand this trait before getting into a relationship with an Aquarius. Aquarians are impressed by their partner's uniqueness. They appreciate people who dare to be different from others. Putting forth one's authentic self will always get an Aquarian excited about spending time with their partner.
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