Get Your Free Marriage Predictions

Last updated on 20.01.2025

Marriages are made in Heaven make it prosperous with Clickastro Marriage predictions

Love can strike at any time, but marriage is a different game altogether. Clickastro’s marriage predictions will not just tell you the best time to marry, but also the type of person who will be an ideal partner for you, and the kind of marriage you will have. You can determine the most intricate and personal details about your marriage by analysing your horoscope by date of birth. Your report will provide answers to frequently asked questions such as "when will I marry?" and "who is my life partner?" One of the most popular branches of astrology is marriage astrology. Get your Clickastro marriage report and discover the answers to your heart's mysteries.

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What makes Clickastro Marriage Predictions authentic?

Clickastro is a trusted band across India and abroad as the longest-serving online astrology service and software provider, with a rich history of serving more than 110 million users and nearly 40 years of research and development.

To make astrologically correct predictions, very precise calculations are required, which we accomplish with the assistance of innovative and authentic astrological understanding that we have had since our beginning in 1984.

Clickastro’s Marriage Prediction Report combines the knowledge and wisdom gained from over 100 Vedic astrologers. With our research spanning over 36 years and thousands of hours, we have been successful in providing accurate and precise predictions explained to you in simple and easy terms for better understanding.

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Your Marriage Prediction summary

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Learn about the various Yogas you have in your horoscope

Did you know that only 12% have Sasa Maha Yoga? Find if you have it in your detailed report

Dosha Check

Find out if you have any Doshas in your horoscope

Learn about the various Doshas that may influence your marriage and marital life

Right Time

Get the list of favourable and excellent periods for marriage

Learn about the favourable and excellent periods for your marriage from the ages of 18 to 50 years in your Premium Marriage Prediction Report

Dasa & Bhukti (Apahara) Periods

Get the list of the Dasa and Bhukti Periods in your life

Get a complete list of your Dasa and Apahara periods that influence your marriage and marital life in the detailed Marriage prediction report


Learn more about your future spouse and their traits

Did you know that the detailed report predicts the direction where your future spouse may be located as well as their personality traits?


Simple, effective, and easy to perform remedies for doshas

Learn about the various remedial measures which are simple and effective in nullifying the negative effects of your doshas

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Includes Marriage Predictions on

Marriage yoga

Marriage Yogas

Yogas that impacts your marriage and prosperity



The personality traits and the direction where you can find your future spouse

Marriage Time

Marriage Time

The favourable and excellent periods for marriage from ages 18 to 50 years



Checks for Kuja, Rahu and Ketu doshas that may impact your marriage



Suggests easy and effective remedial measures to alleviate the negative effects of doshas

This well researched Vedic horoscope report is:

PDF report


Vedic astrology


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What’s in the Report

Marriage Analysis

The Marriage prediction report deeply analyses the Lagna/Ascendant (1st house, the 7th house, the 2nd house, the 5th house, the 11th house, and the 12th house, when predicting marriages. house, as these houses represent not just the marital life, as well as relationship and partner’s trait and personality characteristics. It also analyses the camaraderie between the husband and wife as well as the family traits and insights into the future of love relationships, love life, and the way in which the relationship develops. The report also deeply analyses the depth of intimacy between the partners.

Favourable and Excellent Periods for Marriage

The marriage prediction report will analyse the 7th Bhava (House) in your birth chart to understand the influence of planets such as Venus, Rahu, Moon, and Jupiter as well as other factors that will provide a favourable dasha and apahara period. Clickastro’s detailed marriage horoscope will help you to understand not just the favourable periods but also the excellent periods for marriage from the age of 18 to 50 years.

Kuja Dosha Check

While considering marriage proposals astrologers check for the Kuja dosha. The Kuja dosha occurs when Mars is positioned in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house in the natal chart. Mars is the most dynamic graha among all grahas and represents vitality, confidence, courage, willpower, etc. A negatively placed Mars can lead to conflicts, aggression, anger, domination, unpredictable temper issues etc. If Mars is position in the first house, it can lead to a powerful Kuja dosha that lead to issues in marital life and relationship between partners. Mars when placed in the second house can lead to marital discords and disagreements. Mars when placed in the seventh house represents a volatile relationship with partner. Mars when placed in the eighth house signifies unhappiness in marital and family life.

Rahu Dosha & Ketu Dosha

The planets Rahu and Ketu plays a significant role in marital life. Based on their position it is possible to determine the marital problems and situations in the native’s life. To ensure that the marital life is happy and peaceful it is important to rule out Rahu and Ketu dosha. Placement of Rahu in seventh house can cause adverse and inauspicious outcomes in marriage. It can cause hardships in marital life, delay in marriage, communication issues, infidelity, etc. Love relationships will not have a successful outcome if Rahu and Ketu are placed in the fifth house in the natal chart. Rahu when placed in the first house can lead to marital disagreements between partners. Its placement in the second house can however render a happy marital life. Rahu in the third house leads to frictions in relationships, while its presence in the fourth house will render difficulties in pregnancy and conceiving an offspring. Similarly, Ketu’s presence in the first house leads to health problems for spouses, while it’s presence in the second house can lead to martial discord. Ketu’s presence in fifth house can lead to difficulties in pregnancy and conceiving. An expert astrologer can thus analyse the placement of Rahu and Ketu in one’s horoscope and determine the doshas present as well as suggest remedial measures to overcome these doshas.

Dasa Apahara/Bhukti Period

The term Dasha is used in Vedic astrology to signify the timeframe of the planets. Planetary periods indicate when positive or negative effects are produced by their Sthiti (zodiac sign), house (Bhava), conjunction (Yoga or Raja yoga), or aspects (view or Drishti) based on their location.

Dasa bhukti periods are planetary periods that demonstrate which planets are ruling at the time. In general, the Mahadasa-indicated events occur during the pertinent Antardasa. The dasa calculator computes and displays the dasa bhukti periods during which the positive or negative effects of the planet's movement are visible. Dasa Bhukti Periods are planetary periods that reveal which planets are ruling at any given time. The majority of the events mentioned by Mahadasha occur in the appropriate Antardasha

When the lord of the Seventh house or Bhava is coupled with Venus, the resultant Dasa and Bhukti can lead to marriage.

Remedies for Doshas

The Marriage Prediction Horoscope analyses the natal chart for the presence of Kuja, Rahu and Ketu Doshas that may impact your marriage prospects and marital life. If such doshas are detected in the horoscope, certain remedial measures are also suggested which can be easily performed and are very effective in alleviating the malefic effects of the doshas. These remedies suggested are in the form of mantras, yantras, fasting methods, puja, etc. These remedial measures are suggested based on the doctrines of Vedic astrology and are therefore very effective in reducing or nullifying the malefic effects caused by the doshas.

Nirayana Longitudes

Nirayana is also known as celestial longitude. Nir (without) and Ayana means motion. Put together, Nirayana means without motion. Similarly, Sayana means with motion. To determine the celestial longitude the two most standard reference points are the beginning point of Mesha Rashi which is a fixed point on the ecliptic and the Vernal equinox. The vernal equinox corresponds to the intersection of the celestial equator and the ecliptic Nirayana longitude and Sayana longitude are the names given to the longitudes measured in the Nirayana and Sayana systems, respectively. Nirayana is thus named after the fact that the beginning point of Mesha rashi is a fixed point on the ecliptic.


Lagna or Ascendant or the Rising sign is the first house in the natal chart. The rising sign is the sign that rises from the east at the time of one’s birth. The first house in the natal chart denotes one’s personality, appearance, tenacity, inspiration, innate attitude, and thoughts which define the individual completely. Astrologers believe that a wedding couple from the same ascendant should not marry as it provides no room for progress or growth in life. Every birth sign is ruled by a planet and these planets have their own friends and enemies. Hence it is important that one marries a person whose Lagna lord or the planet that rules lagna is a friend of their ascendant lord. The report analyses for this aspect.


For predicting marriages, Vedic astrology considers the Lagna/Ascendant (1st house), 7th house, 2nd house, 5th house, 11th house, and the 12th house as these houses signify the marital life as well as the characteristics of the relationship and the partner. Let’s understand what these houses signify

  • Lagna: The first house in the natal chart signifies the native and their personality.
  • 7th house: Signifies partnership or the partner i.e., husband or wife.
  • 2nd house: This is the house that signifies family. This house is evaluated for the family characteristics.
  • 5th house: This house represents love and relationship and provides insight into the love life, camaraderie among the partners and how their relationship would unfold.
  • 11th house: The 11th house in the natal chart signifies closeness and bonding in the relationship between the husband and the wife and the longevity of the relationship
  • 12th house: This house indicates financial stability expenditure and Moksha.

The above houses are analysed deeply for predicting marriages.

The relationship between Lagna and the 7th house determines marriage and bond with the partner. The relationship between lagna and the 5th house signifies the love relationship between partners and the relationship with Lagna and the 11th house signifies longevity of relationship.

Marriage astrology

Marriage astrology aids in the prediction of marriage. The most common astrology by date of birth addresses predictions and remedial measures for every aspect of marriage which may be of concern. As a result, kundali analysis for marriage is recommended to address any issues that relate to marriage. The various aspects of marriage prediction by date of birth are as below:

  • Predicting chances for love and love marriage.
  • Predictions and remedial measures for marriage delays
  • Remedial measures for marital problems
  • Prediction of divorce and remedial measures
  • Marital counselling and sustaining marital harmony
  • Accurate predictions of Kuja/Mangal Dosha and remedial measures
  • Accurate kundali matching for a happy and long married life.

Marriages often face a myriad of problems which may be related to various areas and therefore it is imperative to address those issues in a specific manner through unique measures. Marriage astrology helps in addressing these issues effectively and can also help figure out the malefic effects of the planets and suggest remedial measures.

Marriage calculator

When will I get married? Will it be an arranged marriage or a love marriage? How will my married life be? These questions can also be provided through the marriage calculator.

The Marriage Calculator is concerned with love marriages, promised marriages, postponed marriages, and denied marriages. It also considers the planetary positions that determine the time of marriage and the indicators that influence to divorce and separation, as well as the types of planetary positions that cause unhappy married life. You can learn more about your marriage and married life by entering the information in the marriage compatibility calculator.

Marriage and planetary positions

Marriage is associated with the 7th house in one’s horoscope. Venus is the planet that promotes marriage. Vedic astrology considers Jupiter (Guru), Venus (Shukra), Mercury (Budh), and the Moon as auspicious planets in everyone's horoscope, whereas, Saturn (Shani), Sun, Mars (Mangal), Rahu, and Ketu are considered inauspicious and unlucky planets. Auspicious planets and their positions promote early marriage, and inauspicious planets and their positions promote marriage delays.

If Mercury or Moon is placed in the seventh house, chances of getting married at a young age is likely. If Jupiter occupies the seventh house, marriage will occur between 24 and 26 years of age. If the Sun is posited in the seventh house, then it signifies delay in marriage as well as obstacles in marriage. Mars in seventh house is considered to as Kuja Dosha or Mangal Dosha. If Saturn is in the seventh house, the native may have a late marriage. The absence of any planet in the seventh house may indicate early or late marriage depending on the position of other planets in the horoscope.

Time of marriage and married life

Marriage astrology can also predict when you are most likely to marry. Jupiter tends to stay in one zodiac sign for 13 months before moving on to the next as per the Hindu calendar. Marriage can be predicted based on Jupiter's position in your birth chart. While marriage is a critical stage in life, and it is normal for people to feel anxious about it. Therefore, closely examining the birth chart and obtaining the needed information from it can promote better some conclusions about marriage.

Love Astrology

Vedic astrology's Parashari and Brighu methodologies are potent enough to easily address all issues concerning love marriage and marriage problems. love astrology thus addresses all aspects of love marriage. Primarily, there are free calculators that helps to calculate the chances of a love marriage. With this love calculator, one can also gain answers to questions such as:

  • Whether one will have a love or arranged marriage
  • The most suitable marriage as per horoscope
  • Solution to gain back your loved one.
  • Major obstacles that can affect love marriage
  • Yogas that determines love marriage
  • The gains from love marriage
  • The downside of love marriage.

Future Life Partner Prediction

It would be extremely beneficial to have useful tips or hints to narrow down the search while looking for a future spouse. This is where marriage astrology can help. In astrology, the seventh house represents marriage and everything that you want to know about your future life partner. The house contains information on your partner's origin, background, profession, and so on. Marriage astrology points you in the right direction when looking for a life partner.

The birth date can be used to predict one's future partner. This is where Nakshatras come into consideration. Obtaining predictions by name is another method. The seventh house, its lord, Nakshatra, and its Pada all aid in the prediction of one's future life partner. The Nakshatra in which a person is born is determined by the combination of planets and constellations at the time of birth. As a result, any prediction about a future partner must be based on accurate birth time.

As a result, any prediction about a future partner must be based on accurate birth time. However, it can provide the first letter of a life partner's name. Aside from predicting the name of one's life partner, a thorough examination of the 7th house can provide insight into prospective partner’s behaviour, location, background, profession, and many other aspects.

Delay in Marriage Reasons

Still single, while all your peers and juniors have settled down with families and children.

Are parents concerned that their child would have difficulty finding the right partner?

Do you believe you've arrived at the right time to marry?

Astrology can answer your questions about when you will marry or shed light on the reasons for the delay in your marriage. In recent years, young people have chosen to postpone marriage and settle down in family life to gain professional independence and growth. However, getting married at the right time is critical not only to avoid missing the right time, but also to increase one's chances of having healthy children.

According to astrology, everyone has specific times in their lives when it is best for them to marry. If a person misses a particular period, they may have to wait until the next favourable period to marry. This may take too long and jeopardise their chances of having a fulfilling family life. Marriages may be delayed for a variety of reasons, including unfavourable planetary alignments, personal preferences, socioeconomic factors, and so on. While the reasons may vary, the ramifications of such a delay in marriage must also be considered.

With astrology, you can predict to some extent the causes of delays and help the native avoid missing the right partner. The 7th House in your kundali represents marriage, while the 2nd House represents family, and the 11th House represents friendship. Before predicting the likelihood of any marriage delays, these houses are thoroughly examined. It is also critical to investigate the reasons for the marriage delay.

An astrologer analyses your horoscope thoroughly, paying special attention to these houses, the planetary positions in these houses, planetary transits, dashas and apaharas, doshas, and so on, to identify the causes of the delay and to suggest appropriate remedies that can help to alleviate any difficulties or delays in marriage.

Mangal dosha effects and remedies

When someone you know is having difficulty finding the right match, has a troubled marriage, or has lost their spouse, an examination of their horoscope may reveal Mangal dosha, and they may be labelled as Manglik. To predict the effects of Manglik dosha, it is necessary to first understand what it is. Mangal dosha is frequently indicated by the position of Mars in your natal chart. The Mangal dosha can be identified by analysing the natal chart and the position of Mars in specific houses, as well as its interaction with other planets.

Mars' position in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th Houses indicates various reasons for marital instability, delays, loss of domestic peace, violent personality traits, the lifespan of the spouse, psychological issues, physical intimacy and desire among couples, and so on. There are numerous myths about Mangal dosha. According to widespread belief, a Manglik can only marry another Manglik.

It is not truly the case, and a comprehensive examination of the kundali has also proven that a Manglik can marry a non-Manglik because the position of Mars may not always pose malefic effects of Mangal dosha. Misconceptions about Mangal dosha have resulted in delayed marriages, the wrong match, and psychological problems. There are also remedial measures available to help couples overcome Mangal dosha and live a more fulfilling life.

Marriage Matching Through Birth Charts

Kundli Matching, also known as Horoscope Matching in Indian culture, is a science that has been initiated by Indians since ancient Vedic times. Everyone desires a perfect soul mate to live a happy life. Kundali matching is important in finding an appropriate match or an ideal life partner. Marriage is a sanctified bond and having a compatible and understanding partner is a true blessing.

Indians prioritises Kundali Milan or marriage matching before tying the knots of holy matrimony. The bride and groom's horoscopes are matched to determine compatibility and the impact of stars and other cosmic energies on their married life.

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Celestial entities such as stars and planets influence our lives to a great extent, and horoscope matching informs us about the preventative measures and remedial measures for a happy married life. It also helps to negate or reduce the effects of any dosh in the couple's Kundali to ensure a pleasant, healthy, and prosperous life. Kundali matching, also known as Gun Milan, is the study of a person's 36 Gunas.

A horoscope matching compares an individual’s 8 categories or Kootas and is thus also known as Ashtakoot Milan. The word Ashta means “ eight, ” and the word Koota means “classifications. ” These Kootas have 36 Gunas that must be compared to determine a couple's compatibility. These eight Kootas are Varna, Vasya, Deena, Yoni, Maitri, Gan, Bhakoot, and Nadi.

Importance of Kundli matching

With the help of horoscope matching, many aspects of married life can be predicted and problems avoided. Matching horoscopes is strongly advised by Vedic astrology to avoid major problems in the future.

Kundali matching also ensures that the movement of planets in one's horoscope does not impede or harm the other person's career growth and progress. This effect is indicated by Bhakoot, the seventh guna. Matching of Kundalis also considers financial stability after marriage.

Kundli's are also matched to counteract the negative effects of Doshas on marital relationship and the couple's future. The position of various planets and stars when a person is born determines his or her future. Their positions can sometimes be such that they create Doshas such as Mangal Dosha and Shani Dosha. Such Doshas cause issues in marriage. These doshas can be detected using Kundli matching, and astrologers can guide on how to perform Pujas to avoid problems caused by these doshas.

Kundali Milan is also critical in the context of love marriages. Although the couple seeks to avoid this step because of the potential negative consequences, it can actually help them avoid future problems. As horoscope matching provides solutions to problems through various remedial measures, it only serves to strengthen the bond.

Marriage astrology remedies

Marriage is a sanctified bond between two individuals promising to love and support each other though thick and thin. Hence, any marital discord can lead to an adverse impact on their life and wellbeing. A marriage is built on a foundation of trust and understanding; however, there may be some difficult phases in one’s marital life. This could be the resultant of malefic impacts of certain planets and stars. Constant trouble in married life or disagreements and conflicts between partners may sometimes be due to an astrological factor. Hence, astrology therefore suggests certain remedial measures so that partners can enjoy a happy, peaceful, and prosperous family life.

Remedies are also suggested for any doshas found in the horoscopes of prospective partners which could impact their marriage or marital life. Certain remedies are suggested to the prospective partners to ensure that they do not face any obstacles or problems in their marriage. These remedies suggested may include chanting mantras, installing yantras, performing fasts and pujas, etc.

Counselling before marriage

In these times, pre-marriage counselling has become important as we begin to see a rise in divorce cases. Both the husband and wife are strong individuals pursuing their careers. Whether it is love marriage or arranged marriage, it is essential that couples undergo a pre-marital counselling session to help them understand what a marriage entail.

There may be many aspects where differences of opinion and disagreements could lead to frequent disturbances in married life. Pre-marital counselling helps the couple to understand such situations and the ways to deal with them. Pre-marital counselling helps in understanding your compatibility with your partners psychologically, emotionally, physically, and financially. Astrology also helps in pre-marital counselling. It helps the couples to identify the challenging times and the possible problems that may arise during their marital life.

Astrologers examine the Ascendant or Lagna of both the husband and wife, as well as the Navamsa, to predict potential differences and difficulties in marriages and to suggest solutions to overcome such difficulties. Occasionally, planetary positions in both partners' natal charts may influence events that cause disruptions in married life. In today's times, premarital counselling has become essential for several reasons.

These include the marriage expectations of both partners. Whether love or arranged marriage, every individual has some personal expectations from marriage. Some of them may not be vocal about their expectations, and pre-marital counselling will help them to open. It also throws light on the role expectations, whether the wife would like her husband to participate in the daily household chores, hiring a house help, residing with in-laws, etc.

Other factors include financial matters, physical intimacy, planning for kids, etc. Pre-marital counselling helps to address all these issues and provides progressive guidance to couples to overcome differences and work in tandem for a mutually fulfilling, happy and peaceful married life.

Suggestions for happy married life

When problems in marriage arise, these could be due to several reasons. It is important to identify the root cause of the problems. Astrology has been helping couples to understand the reasons for the disputes and misunderstandings in marital life. It is important to analyse the horoscope of both the husband and wife to evaluate the potential causes of their misunderstandings.

Astrology helps in understanding the malefic and benefic effects on the 7th House, 2nd House, 4th House and their lords, the karakas of the 2nd, 4th, and 7th houses, the Navamsa, Trisamsa and Shastiamsa placement of all these factors. Differences and disputes in marriage may be caused due to various reasons such as abusive relationship, infidelity, superiority or inferiority complex, cruelty, physical intimacy issues, financial issues, interference from in-laws, lying in a relationship, differences in values and beliefs, issues with progeny, taunts from a partner, loss of love, etc.

The compatibility check helps in identifying the possibility of all these issues in marital life. Astrology helps in analysing the planetary influences that cause the disturbances in marriage and helps in providing remedial measures to couples to overcome the problems in marital life. Astrology also helps in the analysis of past life with the help of Shodashavarga charts and Nadi Jyothisha sastra. This helps the couples in identifying their past life events and take measures to obtain better results in terms of marital longevity, resolution of differences, measures to overcome the malefic effects of planets, etc.


Can Astrology predict “when will I get married”?

Everyone wants to know “ when will they get married? ” Horoscopes depict “ the unique planetary positions in the 360-degree zodiac ” in relation to your birth timings and location. An astrologer can make various predictions about your marriage and define a specific period in which you are likely to marry by studying your horoscope.

How does horoscope tell about my marriage?

Horoscopes are astrology-based forecasts for your life. A free astrology prediction for your marriage can be made by thoroughly analysing the Rasi of the house, planetary positions, and the 7th house/bhava of your horoscope. Our report also assists you in determining whether you will have a love marriage or an arranged marriage, as well as what other factors are influencing your marriage overall.

What is Kuja /Mangal dosha?

The position of the planet Mars/Kuja in your horoscope is critical. Its positioning can sometimes have a negative impact on your married life, which is known as Kuja Dosha. In general, Kuja Dosha is caused by Kuja being placed in the 7th or 8th house, along with other factors.

Can I marry the person I love?

If you already have someone in your life, Clickastro can provide you with a free marriage prediction based on the birth details you provide. By analysing your 7th house and doshas, we can predict “ How your marriage life will be ” and “ Who will most likely be your ideal life partner ” (if any).

Why is my marriage getting delayed?

The presence of “ doshas ” in your horoscope is the primary cause of this situation. Each dosha, such as “ Kuja dosha ” or “ Rahu-Ketu dosha, ” has a different impact on your life. Even your birth star, or Dasha period, can cause an unwelcome delay. With our free marriage prediction report, you can easily track all of these doshas and figure out how to overcome them.

Can horoscopes reveal details of my future spouse?

As your horoscope clearly indicates various aspects of your life, it can also predict information about your future spouse. It not only assesses your compatibility with them, but also reveals information about their overall personality and where they are from.

Is horoscope matching necessary for marriage?

According to Hindu mythology, matching horoscopes are the foundation of every new relationship. You may be curious about your life partner, so understanding and knowledge of each other's horoscopes is essential.

Can a horoscope tell you about my spouse?

Your horoscope represents astrological information about various aspects of your life. A careful interpretation of this coded data can reveal several previously unknown aspects of life. This report investigates the marriage prospects in your horoscope and reveals information about your spouse. You will know what kind of person he or she is and where he or she is from.

How can I get a free marriage horoscope report?

You can obtain your Clickastro free marriage horoscope report by entering your birth information on the provided link. The report is complete and accurate. It will make you realise how important astrology is for getting the best out of life. The report will list the best time to marry, as well as doshas and remedies. The marriage horoscope report will evaluate your distinct personality and predict your ideal partner.

Which house is seen for marriage?

Vedic astrology considers the Lagna/Ascendant (1st house), 7th house, 2nd house, 5th house, 11th house, and 12th house to predict marriages because these houses represent the marital life as well as the characteristics of the relationship and the partner.

Are marriage predictions by name possible?

Yes, it is possible to predict marriages with the help of your name. There are people who may not know their correct date of birth and no idea at what time they were born. In such a scenario, name astrology can help to predict marriages as the letters in your name are associated with numbers.

When and at what age will the marriage take place?

If Mercury or the Moon is positioned in the seventh house, you are more likely to marry at an early age. Marriage will take place between the ages of 24 and 26 if Jupiter is in the seventh house. When the Sun is in the seventh house, it represents both a delay in marriage and obstacles in marriage. Mars in the seventh house is known as Kuja Dosha or Mangal Dosha. If Saturn is in the seventh house, the native may marry later than expected. Depending on the position of other planets in the horoscope, the absence of any planet in the seventh house may indicate an early or late marriage.

Who can read the marriage horoscope by date of birth?

An expert astrologer can predict when a person will marry based on their birth details. The yoga for marriage occurs during some phases in everyone's life. When there is an occurrence of an active marriage yoga an expert astrologer can predict the right time for marriage by identifying that cycle supported by positive Dasha and transits.

Are there other doshas similar to Kuja Dosha that affect marriage timing?

Yes, there are doshas like Kaal Sarpa dosha, Nadi dosha, Grahan Dosh and Shani Dosh that can impact marriage timing and compatibility.

How Does Astrology Predict Marital Compatibility?

Astrology examines the alignment of celestial bodies at your birth and your potential partner's birth to assess compatibility. It considers factors like the positions of Venus and Mars, the Seventh House, and more. Our astrologers can provide detailed insights into how astrological compatibility can influence your marriage.

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Dattatreya Jayanti: Celebrating the Ultimate Spiritual Guide and Teacher
Dattatreya Jayanti: Celebrating the Ultimate Spiritual Guide and Teacher
Introduction Dattatreya Jayanti, also known as Datta Jayanti, is a revered festival that marks the birth anniversary of Lord Dattatreya, an incarnation of the divine trinity—Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the preserver), and Shiva (th...
What should be your New Year's Resolutions in 2025?
What should be your New Year's Resolutions in 2025?
2025 New Year’s Resolutions For Every Zodiac Sign The year 2025 is here. This is the perfect opportunity to make new beginnings. Openly or subtly, every one of us carries within us certain goals that we aspire to turn into reality ...
Guruvayur Ekadasi 2024: A Sacred Celebration at the Sri Krishna Temple in Kerala
Guruvayur Ekadasi 2024: A Sacred Celebration at the Sri Krishna Temple in Kerala
Introduction Guruvayur Ekadasi is a revered annual celebration in Kerala, observed at the Sri Krishna Temple in Guruvayur. Falling in the month of Vrischikam as per the Malayalam calendar, it aligns with Ekadasi observances like Moksha...
Karthikai Deepam 2024: The Festival of Lights in South India
Karthikai Deepam 2024: The Festival of Lights in South India
Introduction Karthikai Deepam, also known as Karthigai Deepam or Karthika Deepam, is an ancient festival celebrated across South India, especially in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and parts of Andhra Pradesh. Known as the South Indian festival o...
Gita Jayanti 2024: Date, Importance, Rituals, and Celebration
Gita Jayanti 2024: Date, Importance, Rituals, and Celebration
Introduction Gita Jayanti marks the sacred day on which Lord Krishna imparted the timeless teachings of the Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Celebrated on Shukla Ekadashi in the month of Margashirsha, typicall...
Dhanu Sankranti: A Celebration of Devotion
Dhanu Sankranti: A Celebration of Devotion
Dhanu Sankranti, an auspicious occasion in the Hindu calendar, is distinguished by the Sun's entry into the Sagittarius sun sign or Dhanu Rashi. Dhanu Sankranti 2024 falls on Sunday, December 15. This celebration resonates across Indi...
Your Worst Month in 2025 According to Your Zodiac Sign
Your Worst Month in 2025 According to Your Zodiac Sign
As we traverse the enigmatic dance of time, our lives are intertwined with the movements of the stars that lie outside it. Each zodiac sign carries its own unique set of characteristics, influencing our experiences, emotions, and challe...

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