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Monthly Leo Horoscope

Leos barely have long term plans. They believe in living in the moment. They can also be pretty instinctive. Though they are not visionaries, they have an air of calm and self-assuredness about them which attracts those with self-doubts and vanity. Hence, it is possible for them to rise as leaders. In this role, they will appear warm and genuine. But, Leos are emotional beings and so they can be manipulated. To those they love, Leos may move heaven and earth to satisfy their needs. Others, they may simply ignore. Leos live life to the fullest. They love to have a good time. They are also capable of being assertive without being rude. Leos surround themselves with friends and may ignore unpleasant realities.

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Leo Monthly Horoscope

(Monthly - July 01, 2024 - July 31, 2024)
When the month starts, the Sun and Venus will be in the eleventh house, and later on, they will move into the twelfth house. In the second week, the moon will rise in the sixth house, aspecting Mercury. So, for the entire month, your physical and mental health will be important. You will have to complete some projects this month. Those who work in medical and health care will have important assignments. There will be a lot of issues in the workplace, and you need to manage them well. You can go through a stressful time, so that can impact your health as well.
Your financial matters will also be very prominent as Mars is moving through the twelfth house of losses and emotional self. There will be sudden expenses coming up, and you will have to be very careful with your savings. There will be financial issues and expenses, so you will have to make a good plan. There will be a lot of changes in the partnerships, and please don't add more complexity to that. There are chances for lending and borrowing too, so don't take up any complex financial deals.
Venus will be in the water sign of Cancer, and that will impact long-term relationships. You will find new team members this month. There will be a lot of team activities and get-togethers. Projects from foreign collaborations are also very much possible during this month. You will have to be very careful with your teammates. They can have some indifference, and you have to handle it carefully. There are chances to work with foreign companies as well. There are chances for a new romantic relationship as well. This is a time to meet like-minded people as well.
Leo Compatibility
Leo Highly Compatible Zodiac
 ||  Aries
Leo Strength
Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous
Leo Weakness
Arrogant, stubborn, self-centred, lazy, inflexible
Leo Favourable Colors
Red, Gold, Orange, Yellow, Cream
Leo Favourable Numbers
4, 1, 5, 9
Leo Love Compatibility
Leos are very passionate lovers. They strive to make each moment special. However, making them last may quite be a long shot. Leos can be jealous and extremely possessive. They crave attention, always. It is difficult for them to sit back and let time define their relationship. Having said that, Leos are extremely loyal to their partner. To them, the happiness of their partner is their priority. They spare no effort to make the partner feel special. Leos have no trouble expressing their emotions. They are willing to cry and laugh for their lover. They are bold and willing to take risks for the happiness of their lover. If you can make them feel secure in the relationship, you have a great lover in a Leo person.
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Leo Love Horoscope
Relationships are not the strong point of Leos at this time. But they can get lucky when it comes to finding love. Singles among them have a good chance of finding someone with similar tastes and world views. Marriages can also happen. For Leos who are married or who are in a relationship, things would not be so cool. It will be hard for them to give due attention to personal matters amidst responsibilities at work. Leos may also be haunted by bitter experiences in the past which can make them block out others from others. Communication problems that result from this is another factor that can cause strains in their relationship. Though Leos tend to be honest and sincere, they may have a tough time convincing the same to their loved ones. Misunderstandings are easy to develop, especially under the influence of rival people. The best option for Leos is to work hard on maintaining their focus on improving life while also culling out commitments that are corrosive and harmful to mental health.
Leo Career Horoscope
Leos keep themselves busy, so busy that they may do it at the cost of their physical health. They are perfectionists and go further than everyone else to ensure their work or their product is the best thing available. Those searching for a job will land interviews for their preferred position at this time, and will also experience success in them. Leos who are employed will get the chance to impress their superiors with their skills. The promotion they had been wanting may materialize at this time. However, they should be cautious against falling under the influence of bad people and hence are advised to keep away from gossip groups and office politics. Business people among Leo should be careful when entering into deals and contracts with a third party. If involved in joint ventures, open communication has to be maintained among partners, especially when it comes to matters of finance. Slow down in activities may happen. Long travels may be required to overcome them.
Leo Wealth Horoscope
Leos will experience fairly good wealth and finances provided they reign in their expenses. Leos tend to overspend on things. This may be out of habit or out of ignorance. Anyway, such unwanted expenses should be curtailed. Leos are advised to seek expert opinion on everything financial. They tend to think more from the heart than the brain, which is a bad idea when it comes to money matters. They should also avoid taking risks or making matters complicated. Leos work best when they are honest and sincere and when they keep matters simple. Falling into greed and selfish motives can propel them into taking convoluted routes which can quickly go out of their control. As people of the world, Leos should be open to the ups and downs of financial fortunes. They should plan things and go through with it, even if money has to be borrowed for it. Good times are near and all debts can be settled at that time.
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