Free Love compatibility between Virgo Woman and Virgo Man

Virgo Woman Virgo Man
(24 Aug - 22 Sep)
(24 Aug - 22 Sep)
Quality Mutable, Feminine, Negative Mutable, Feminine, Negative
Element Earth Earth
Ruler Mercury Mercury
Symbol Virgin Virgin
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Virgo, a perfectionist, will always try their best to fix things up, to make improvements, to rearrange, to schedule and systematize. They also have a strong concern with physical hygiene, diet and cleanliness. They tend to analyze every minute details, even if they are making a grocery list or engaged in cooking. They are rarely incautious in their methods, and their thinking is highly logical, so much so that given the time to dwell on themselves they will create and live in their own logical little world, barely making room for the imaginary, or fun pursuits of fantasy. If you earn a Virgo's love you will always have someone to come home to, and someone who will be there for you.

Virgo pair has much in common and everything will go smooth in their relationship as long as both curb their instincts for finding faults with each other. Besides the quality of being perfectionists, they possess the virtues of responsibility, sensitivity, and intelligence and are tend to take matters seriously. They will have a steady and enduring relationship.

Both of them are very devoted and stand by each other in troubles. They're willing to listen while the other one talk and to work while the other is enjoying some free time, without any grudge. Worry for perfection will take up most of their time and mental space, when they are together, making it sometimes real boring. However, if both relax and learn to take things as they are so that they come without trying to fix blame and without feeling guilty they most certainly can make this relationship work rather smoothly.

They are prone to have fits of perfectionism, making it difficult to please, as they will turn out to be extremely critical with one another. Once they understand each other's flaws and come to realize that they are the hardest on themselves and only expect the same out of other people, they will have a smooth flowing in their relationship. But the eye for details and skill will enable them to have the potential to work together very well in any area that requires extreme care and attention.

These couples will express their love for someone by doing practical things for that person, and enjoy helping or serving others. However trust is something that does not come easy to a Virgo, especially when they are in love. They live by the rules and are conservative souls. That is something hard for them to change.

Virgo male will only get into a committed relationship after a respectable length of time and only when they are hundred percent sure that it will be lasting. They need the assurance that their mate will enhance and support them in their career and home. Virgo woman is an excellent housekeeper, a strict parent and a good companion.

Relationship between a Virgin woman and a Virgin man will be a success if they depend on their ability to recognize their own flaws and then correct them and also acknowledge the virtues from each other's appealing manners, as both possess almost the same virtues and vices. If both concentrate on the positive, you've got a great chance for turning this into a long-term happy relationship, as you both bring out best qualities in each other's personalities.

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