Free Love compatibility between Capricorn Woman and Gemini Man

Capricorn Woman Gemini Man
(22 Dec - 20 Jan)
(22 May - 21 Jun)
Quality Cardinal, Feminine, Negative Mutable, Masculine, Positive
Element Earth Air
Ruler Saturn Mercury
Symbol Goat Twins
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A Capricorn can provide a stable, calm and rational basis of emotional security, which is a comforting and necessary need for the Gemini. Most of the Capricorn lacks the power of floating in an imaginary world; they are very practical and down to earth in their conscious and subconscious level.

Gemini needs good communication and a variety of life experiences to make their life interesting, while a Capricorn prefers for respect, status, power and authority. If they both want their relationship to survive, they must sacrifice many things. Adjustment must be their key. Capricorn has a great desire to excel in everything they do, and this will make Gemini cranky. Until they are both ready to trim their sails, the goat of Capricorn will go on butting until he gains the superiority.

This combination will do well, if they both are ready to overcome some big differences. Gemini, an air sign, loves collecting, analyzing, and discussing ideas for their own sake; and for them the responsibilities regarding their life will attain only the second place. Capricorn, an earth sign, also has a strong intellect, but the most important thing in life to them is concrete, practical achievement and they are always willing to take the responsibilities.

In the relationship between a Capricorn woman and a Gemini man there is much to be sort out in regard to the emotional matters. The Gemini man hates to be tied up in a relation that has a lot of demands and obligations. The Capricorn woman, who seeks security, needs steady and constant support from her partner.

Gemini often lives in the clouds and is only an occasional visitor to the earth. Capricorn feels younger with the spontaneous Gemini, and admires his optimism, curiosity and strength. Both are experts at categorizing and organizing information and enjoy finding the basic structure underlying things. This enables them to relate well together in spite of their differences.

The Goat has an organizing power, which is appreciated by her Gemini man, and the Capricorn woman admires the ability of her Gemini partner to analyze and categorize things. Both goat and Twins will find each other good and reliable if they are relating to each other on an intellectual level.

Gemini is essentially articulate, versatile and adroit. Put another way, Gemini likes variety. Gemini is an idea person. Essentially, Capricorn is cautious, steadfast and reserved. Even as a child, Capricorn's personality was probably mature for the years. With any luck Capricorn's life will get better and responsibilities will become more enjoyable over time.

Gemini's mind naturally likes to go from subject to subject. Gemini has varied interests and likes to keep up with what's going on in the world. Gemini can be the original 'quick study' who grasps facts, concepts and ideas. On the other hand, Gemini can get bored easily and do not like things to drag along. Gemini needs open lines of communication. The best friends for Gemini are the ones who appreciate Gemini's sense of humor.

At times, Capricorn may feel like Gemini has not one, but at least two different personality sides. Capricorn can only fail by giving up. Capricorn, you were made for management and leadership. Capricorn's ambitions are only limited by your self-esteem. Planning and work will pay off. Be sure to ask for a fair price for your efforts.

The Saturn ruled Capricorn will be at odds with the Mercury ruled Gemini. Patience is a virtue with Capricorn, but not so with Gemini. Unless there is a willingness to slow down and heed the good advice of the Capricorn mate much dissension and unhappiness is in the stars. The natural need to communicate for Gemini can get a bit bogged down under the influence of Capricorn. You may need to agree to a truce based on getting on with things. It's not all bad because there are complimentary factors at play with the experience of Capricorn and the high spirited Gemini. Of course if you know two people that are these signs, anything is possible!

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