Pitra Dosh Nivaran Puja
Pitra Dosh puja helps to bring peace to deceased ancestors.
What is Pitra Dosh Nivaran :
The Pitra Dosh Nivaran puja is performed bring peace to deceased ancestors and departed souls of family members.
Who should perform Pitra Dosh Nivaran :
The puja must be performed by those who have lost their family members, as part of the rituals for deceased ancestors to pay for their peace and also eliminate the negative energies.
Why is Pitra Dosh Nivaran Done:
The Pitra Dosh Nivaran Puja is done to:
- To seek the blessings of ancestors.
- Eliminate any obstacles and challenges in life.
- Instil cordial and peaceful family atmosphere
- Gain peace of mind and financial wellbeing
- Relief from chronic illnesses.
- Destruction of negative and evil energies.
- Regain good fortune and positive energy.
When is Pitra Dosh Nivaran Done (Auspicious times):
This puja should be conducted during Shraddh. Your priest will suggest the most auspicious muhurat to perform the puja.
Where is Pitra Dosh Nivaran done:
Puja can be performed at a holy place usually the banks of holy rivers or as per the priest’s instructions
How is Pitra Dosh Nivaran done (observances and rules):
- While performing this puja the devotee must sit facing East.
- It is essential to cleanse your body and keep your mind clean from any negative thoughts.
- Ensure to wear clean and new clothes.
- External distractions should be avoided while performing the puja.
- Must observe a fast on the day before the puja.
- The observer must abstain from consuming alcohol and non-vegetarian food on the day of the puja.
- Further instructions will be given by the priest
List of pandits doing Pitra Dosh Nivaran Puja
Vedic Astrologer, Gemologist
Exp: 24 years
Preferred Language: kannada
Also Speaks: english, hindi
Vedic Astrologer
Exp: 35 years
Preferred Language: hindi
Also Speaks: punjabi
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