J. V. Pillai

Vedic Astrologer
J. V. Pillai

Astrology consultancy

J V Pillai, from Kochi Kerala, is a Vedic astrologer with deep set knowledge in Horoscope analysing, Marriage matching, Career forecast, Prasna sasthra and Gem recommendation. He is a BSc Mathematics and PGDCA (Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications) holder who has also entitled Jyothisha Bhooshanam and Prasna Bhooshanam from a renowned Astrology institution in Kochi. J V Pillai considers Vedic Astrology as the best guidance tool to help people to make right choices and lead a happy life. He is an expert in suggesting remedies. As a propagator of positive astrology, he recommends simple and logical remedies that can improve the person's confidence and bring good luck. He can suggest remedies matching to the customs and traditional values of Hindus and Christians as well. J V Pillai is an employee at an IT Company in Kochi.
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