Articles from Dr. T. S. Vasan

Nakshatras and their Nature The term Nakshatra originates from the words "Naksha" (map) and "tara" (star). In understanding the celestial...

Planets and Houses
Indian astrology is a complex and detailed science that studies the planets and stars and offers astute guidance on the...

Planets, Zodiacs and Their Characteristics
Planets and Zodiac The Stars and Planets influence your life right from the time of your birth! The way they...

Brief Description of Indian Astrological Terms
Indian Astrological Terms Planets are considered as benefics or malefics by their nature as well as association. Benefic Planets Venus,...

The Hindu Calendar
Hindu Calendar Lunar Years The Hindu Cycle contains 60 lunar years, they are: 60 Hindu Years 1 Prabhava 31 Hevimbi...

Planets, their Characetristics, Significators and More
Planets and Significators Astrological terminology Some of the astrological terms are defined below. Dasa : The rising sign at the...

More About Nakshatras or Stars
Nakshatras According to the first sound of the name The first sound of a person's name is associated with stars...

Planetary Occupations in a Horoscope
How to calculate occupations There are 27 planetary occupations as per Indian Astrology. Influence of those occupations will be felt at the respective...

A Brief Description of the Categories of Indian Astrology
Categories of Indian Astrology There are six main categories or types of Indian Astrology: Mundane or National Astrology Annual Horoscope...

General personality traits as per the Day of the Week
Days of Week and General personality traits Influence of Days of Week Significance of birth during different days of the...