Rohini Vrat in February 2024
The upcoming Rohini vrat is on Sunday, February 18, 2024
Rohini Nakshatra Begins on February 17, 2024 at 8:46 AM
Rohini Nakshatra Ends on February 18, 2024 at 9:22 AM
Find harmony and understanding between you and your partnerWhy is Rohini Vrat observed?
Jainism advocates strict forms of spiritual practices. While saints follow the strict codes, the common man is granted some leniency in the spiritual practices followed by the Jain community. Rohini vrat helps the women in Jain households observe spiritual discipline in a trouble-free way since it is usually difficult for them to observe strict fasts.
When women observe Rohini vrat, their husbands, and immediate family members receive blessings. The fast helps to imbibe patience, self-control, and harmony within oneself. It helps one endure all difficulties in life and also control desires. This helps them to cultivate good values and understanding within the families.
Usually, only the women of the family observe Rohini Vrat, but in some households, the entire family observes the vrat. On Rohini vrat day, the women revere Bhagavan Vasupujya and seek blessing for the family. The women pray for prosperity and enrichment of their quality of life.
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What are the benefits of Rohini Vrat?
Rohini vrat is undertaken by women to secure the good health and long life of their husbands. Undertaking this fast also dispels poverty and brings in prosperity. Misunderstanding between couples is cleared and promotes a harmonious and happy relationship within the family. Women can feel peaceful and help to maintain peace and tranquility at home.Rohini Vrat Vidhi and Fasting Rules
The vrat can last for three, five, or seven years, continuously. Vrat for five years and five months is the most advocated duration and it is completed with the Udyapana. On the day of Rohini vrat, the women undertaking the fast wake up early in the morning and take a holy bath. They set the altar in the puja room with the idol of Bhagavan Vasupujya who is one of the twenty-four Tirthankaras. Elaborate rituals are then conducted by giving the idol a bath with holy water, followed by decorating with fragrant materials. Puja is performed and finally, the Prasad is offered. After the puja, the fasting process commences which lasts until the Margashirsha Nakshatra rises in the sky. Women who observe Rohini vrat can decide on the duration to observe the vrat; at the end of this period, the vrat should be concluded with an appropriate udyapana, or concluding ritual, which may include feeding the poor and the needy, visiting the temple of Vasupujya and engaging in charity.Rohini Vrat Katha
Just as every fast has an associated story, Rohini vrat also has a vrat katha which should be recited while undertaking the fast.The story is as follows:
King Madhava of Champapura lived with his queen Lakshmipati, seven sons, and a daughter named Rohini. Once, the king consulted a gyani (learned man) to know about the ideal husband for his daughter. The gyani said that Rohini would be married to Ashoka, the prince of Hastinapur. Upon the gyani’s advice, King Madhava organized a Swayamvara in which Princess Rohini chose Prince Ashoka as her husband and they were married. One Prince Ashoka along with his family went to meet Sage Sricharan in the forest of Hastinapur. Ashoka confided in the sage that his wife remained very calm and asked the reason for her calmness. The sage narrated that in ancient times, there lived a king named Vastupala in Hastinapur city who had a friend named Dhanamitra. Dhanamitra had a daughter who had a foul body odor and was therefore called Durgandha. Dhanamitra was always worried about his daughter.Sage Amritsen visiting Hastinapur
Once, Sage Amritsen visited Hastinapur and Dhanamitra went to meet the sage along with his daughter to enquire about her future. The sage stated that King Bhupal who ruled in a city near Mount Girnar had a wife, Sindhumati, who was very proud of her beauty. Once, when the king and the queen went out to visit the forest, they saw the sage and the king asked his wife to arrange for the sage’s feast. While Sindhumati agreed to obey her husband’s order, she was enraged within and in her anger, she served the sage a bitter gourd and after consuming the food, the sage died. When the king learned about his wife’s deeds, he was enraged and expelled her from the palace. Due to her evil deeds, she was afflicted with leprosy and had to face a lot of anguish before finally dying. After her death, Sindhumati reached hell where she suffered a lot and was then finally born inside an animal before being born as Dhanamitra’s daughter.Moksha
Hearing this, Dhanamitra asked for a solution to overcome this curse. The sage stated that Durgandha should observe the Rohini fast on Rohini nakshatra every month and abstain from consuming food. She should spend time performing religious worship and charity and should perform this fast for five years and five months. Dhanamitra and his daughter Durgandha duly fasted on the day when the Rohini nakshatra arose in the sky and as a result of her fast; she attained moksha and reached heaven. She later became a goddess and then became Princess Rohini who became Prince Ashoka’s wife. Find the Perfect Partner • Check your free horoscope matching now!Rohini Vrat dates in 2024
- January 21, 2024, Sunday
- February 18, 2024, Sunday
- March 16, 2024, Saturday
- April 12, 2024, Friday
- May 10, 2024, Friday
- June 6, 2024, Thursday
- July 3, 2024, Wednesday
- July 31, 2024, Wednesday
- August 27, 2024, Tuesday
- September 23, 2024, Monday
- October 21, 2024, Monday
- November 17, 2024, Sunday
- December 14, 2024, Saturday