What is Sankranti in the Hindu calendar?

Sankranti in a Hindu calendar is the special occasion that happens when the Sun transits from one Rasi to the next. There are 12 sankrantis in one year. Sometimes it may go up to 13. Vrishabha Sankranti is the occasion when Sun transits from Mesha Rasi to Vrishabha Rasi.

The 2024 Vrishabha Sankranti happens on Tuesday, May 14.

This marks the beginning of the second month of Jyeshta in the Hindu solar calendar. It also marks the arrival of Vaigasi Masam in Tamil culture and Edavam Masam in Malayalam. In southern India, Sankranti is better known as Sankranam. Devotees worship cows and observe vrat on this day.

2024 Vrishabha Sankranti Phalam

Vrishabha Sankranti: Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Vrishabha Sankranti Punya Kala – May 14, 11:31 AM – May 14, 5:55 PM

Duration – 06 Hours 24 Mins

Maha Punya Kala On Vrishabha Sankranti – May 14, 5:31 PM – May 14, 5:55 PM

Duration – 00 Hours 24 Mins

Vrishabha Sankranti Moment – May 14, 2024 5:55 PM

Sankranti is generally considered to be an inauspicious time. New beginnings or other happy occasions are generally avoided during this time. On the other hand, it is a good time for repentance and shradh rituals. Vrishabha means bull in Sanskrit. Nandi, the pet of Lord Shiva, is the most famous bull in ancient history. That is why cows are worshipped on this day and donating cows on this day is considered auspicious. Lord Vishnu is also worshipped on this day.

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Vrishabha Sankranti ritualsindepth horoscope

  • The cow is considered holy in Hindu culture. Worshipping cows and donating them to Brahmins during Vrishabha Sankranti is believed to bring good fortune to the devotee.
  • Those observing vrat sleep on the floor at night and get up early in the morning. After the bath, Lord Shiva is worshipped and Bhog is prepared which is distributed among family members.
  • Special prayers are held at Lord Vishnu temples. Devotees pray to absolve them of sins and for attaining moksha.
  • People also perform Pitra Tarpan on this day for the peace of their ancestors.
  • In Hindu pilgrimage sites, a holy bath called Sankrana Snan is performed by believers. It is supposed to do good for the body and mind. They pray to be able to discern between good and evil in life.

Vrishabha Sankranti significance

According to Vedic astrology, Sankranti is seen as a being which is 432 km in length and width. While it is considered an inauspicious time for performing good deeds, doing penance and charity during this time will bring good results. Only a certain time period is suitable for performing such deeds during Sankranti days. On Vrishabha Sankranti day, this period is between 16 ghatis before Sankranti, till the main Sankranti moment. The devotees who observe vrat and pray sincerely at this time will attain peace, happiness and prosperity in life. It is believed they are blessed by the gods themselves and will move one step closer to attaining Moksha.

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Cow worship during Vrishabha Sankranti

Cows are revered animals in Hindu culture. In the olden days, the fortunes of a farmer depended as much on his cattle as they did on the weather. Cows especially are extremely valuable to a farmer. In addition to their usage for tilling the fields, cow dung is one of the best fertilizers to improve the quality of the soil. Cows milk is famed for its nutritious quality, while cow urine is considered to have many medicinal properties. On Sankranti day, the cattle sheds are thoroughly cleaned and the cows are adorned with flowers and bright clothes. Kumkum is smeared upon them and they are taken for puja at local temples.

Vrishabha Rasi characteristics

Vrishabha means the bull. Vrishabha Rashi is the second sign in the Zodiac after Meesa Rasi. Status, comfort, wealth and security are the characteristics of this sign. The bull is a very powerful animal with tremendous capacity to breed. This means, the individual has the capacity to push through arduous tasks and find success in the end. There is no end to the creative spark and the physical eagerness to satisfy that spark in the individual. When one goal is attained, the individual immediately moves to the second one. No planet is debilitated in Vrishabha Rasi. It is owned by Venus and the Moon is exalted here. This suggests high levels of consciousness and sensitivity.

Vrishabha Sankranti celebration in Odisha

Vrishabha Sankranti goes by the name Brusha Sankranti in Odisha. This day is of great significance for the people of Odisha. Special pujas are held at the iconic Puri Jagannath temple which is witnessed by devotees in their thousands. They throng the Puri bathing ghats to carry out the Brusha Sankranti snan. Others carry out ritualistic baths in rivers and the sea in remembrance of deceased ancestors.

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