Nupur Sharma’s Horoscope: Background and the story so far

Astrological study of the horoscope of Nupur Sharma and detailed birth chart analysis.

Nupur Sharma was born in New Delhi on 23rd April 1985. Nupur belongs to a family of civil servants and completed her schooling at the Delhi Public School. Nupur Sharma graduated in Economics from the Hindu College in Delhi University and later graduated in Law from the University. Nupur majored in Law at the London School of Economics. Presently, Nupur is involved in national politics.Nupur Sharma first came into the spotlight for leading a march against one of the speakers of a political seminar at Delhi University. Nupur Sharma joined the student wing of a political party while studying at Delhi University. Till recently Nupur Sharma was the national spokesperson of the ruling party.Nupur Sharma has engaged herself in welfare projects like the installation of water purifiers, solar lamps and CCTVs for campus security. As a student of law, Nupur Sharma has carried out research on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the casual justice system in rural parts of north India with background research on endemic law and religious arbitration focusing on the parallel adjudicatory system of Khap Panchayats and the political/electoral importance of Khaps.
Name: Nupur Sharma
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 23 April, 1985 Tuesday
Time of Birth (Hr.Min.Sec) : 12:00:00 AM Standard Time
Time Zone (Hrs.Mins) : 05:30 East of Greenwich
Place of Birth : New Delhi
Longitude &Latitude (Deg.Mins) : 77.12 East, 28.36 North
Ayanamsa : Chitra Paksha = 23 Deg. 38 Min. 52 Sec.
Birth Star – Star Pada (Quarter) : Kartika – 3
Birth Rasi – Rasi Lord : Edavam – Shukra

Nupur Sharma’s Horoscope and Success: Explained from an Astrological perspective

Nupur Sharma was born on Tuesday before sunrise which makes Monday the astrological day of birth. Born on a Monday means Nupur is soft-spoken and pleasing. Nupur tends to remain calm in situations where most others may react violently and has clean intentions at heart.

Kartika is the birth star of Nupur Sharma. This means extraordinary intelligence and ability, and wandering nature. Nupur is a dabbler rather than a dedicated doer. Making money interests Nupur more in an intellectual sense than in a practical sense. Nupur may tend to be self-centred and face problems due to bluntness. Only through perseverance can Nupur succeed in life.

Born in Thritheeya Thidhi, Nupur is generally good-natured but may appear egotistical to others. Nupur believes in keeping up appearances in all facets of life. Karana is Taitila Karana, which means Nupur Sharma has difficulty sticking to ideas and words. Nupur does not voice strong opinions and may shift residence often.

Nupur Sharma personality

Based on the position of Lagna, Nupur Sharma can be philosophically inclined, adept, active and enterprising. Honest and self-disciplined, Nupur can earn the goodwill of people in power. Nupur’s views can be quite conservative and misunderstood by others.

Since the Lagna lies in the second Drekkana of its house, Nupur is unable to stick to one place or one type of job and dabble in a variety of occupations. Since the lord of the ascendant is in the 2nd house, Nupur will possess a multitude of excellent qualities. Nupur is studious, religious and a gifted conversationalist with an ability to ascertain or intuit the future.

Nupur sees much to criticize in the world around and in all probability become deeply involved with the government. Since Mars aspects the second lord, Nupur can make a name in fields connected with law and justice. It is Nupur’s instinct to oppose and resist. No one can dominate Nupur or make her bend to their will.

Nupur can be clever and shrewd when the occasion demands and tends to hide emotional scars from others. Men trying to get close should be wary of Nupur’s acerbic wit and cutting remarks. Nupur will be dedicated to whatever objective set for her career and will be a woman with a strong sense of duty and commitment. The capacity for impartial judgment will stand Nupur in good stead both at home and at work.

Nupur Sharma will have an instinctive interest in astrology. With a good sense of humour, Nupur commands respect and achieves whatever she sets her mind to. Since the 6th lord is in the 4th, Nupur will be intelligent and imaginative. There may be imaginative additions or deliberate subtractions during the transfer of information through Nupur….Read More

Nupur Sharma’s Horoscope and birth chart

Nupur Sharma Navamsa Chart Nupur Sharma Rasi Chart

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