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Monthly Aquarius Horoscope

Aquarius is the 11th sign in the zodiac and it is symbolised by the Water Bearer. This is the symbol which indicates that Gods brought essential nutrients to planet Earth and this symbolism makes Aquarians advanced, intellectual, thoughtful, self-reliant, independent, unique and optimistic. With air as their elemental sign, Aquarians do not like to be confined anywhere, or in any situation. They do not like being categorised into segments as they are fluid, enthusiastic and highly active. They get bored easily and need ways to stay focused and enthusiastic about things. They enjoy spending time alone to contemplate and ponder things.

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Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

(Monthly - May 01, 2024 - May 31, 2024)
For the rest of the year, you will be working hard for the improvement of your home and family. Jupiter, the biggest benefic, will move into Taurus on May 1, but the changes will be visible only as it progresses through the degrees. When the month starts, the Sun and Venus will be in the third house, which will make your life busier. The third house indicates multitasking, so you will be working around the clock. The sun in the third house amplifies your ability to express yourself clearly and confidently. You may feel more outgoing, articulate, and inclined to share your ideas with others. This transit encourages a thirst for knowledge and intellectual pursuits. You may be motivated to engage in learning, take up new courses or workshops, or dive deeper into subjects of interest. The third house rules communication and social interactions. With the sun here, you may enjoy connecting with others, networking, and engaging in stimulating conversations. The sun's transit through the third house can inspire short trips, local outings, or exploring your neighborhood. It's a good time to be curious about your surroundings and discover new places. There will be a lot of communication with your siblings, neighbors, or those who live in your immediate community. Mars will be in Pisces for the entire month, so your financial matters will be important. This is not a safe phase for your money matters. Mars can encourage risk-taking behaviors, so ensure that financial decisions are well thought out and aligned with your long-term goals. You should not take any such risk, as Mars is also an indicator of debt. A disciplined approach to financial matters can lead to increased energy and motivation in other areas of life. From the second week onwards, the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter will be in the fourth house, highlighting family matters like real estate deals, family meetings, and relocation.
Aquarius Compatibility
Aquarius Highly Compatible Zodiac
 ||  Gemini
 ||  Libra
 ||  Sagittarius
Aquarius Strength
Progressive, original, independent, humanitarian
Aquarius Weakness
Runs from emotional expression, temperamental, uncompromising, aloof
Aquarius Favourable Colors
Electric Blue, Grey, Ultramarine Blue
Aquarius Favourable Numbers
2, 3, 7, 9
Aquarius Love Compatibility
Aquarians are exceptionally talented and intelligent and this makes them look for challenges in everything they do. This means that, even their love life should be a challenge if the Aquarians have a say. They strongly avoid boring things and want their partner to provoke and challenge them in all possible ways, both physically and emotionally. They also look for partners who can match their innovative nature or bring something unique to the table.
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Aquarius Love Horoscope
As one of the most self-reliant and independent signs in the Zodiac, Aquarians are represented by Uranus, the planet of individuality. This, in addition to their elemental nature of being akin to air, makes Aquarians reasonable and intellectual partners who may not be inclined towards extremely romantic activities. They will enjoy relationships with people who challenge their intellect or make them think deeply so it is possible that Aquarians will look for partners who are unusual, and unique in their own ways. They will always look for partners who can match and satisfy their intellectual needs as they are a zodiac ruled by their minds and thoughts.
Aquarius Career Horoscope
Possessing exceptional creativity and sharp intellect, Aquarians are meant to perform exceedingly well in their careers or business. In fact, they will do especially well if they take part in a job or business which requires high amounts of creative and innovative thinking and actions. With ample imagination and a strong commitment to work, Aquarians can do really well as long as they do not get bored of the work. Their inventive ideas will revolutionise their careers.
Aquarius Wealth Horoscope
Aquarians are independent in nature and actions, and this may lead to a disconnect between their inherent desires and the need to gain wealth. They may not really care about earthly trappings such as money, house, cars, etc. as they are an air sign who believe in fluidity and motion. When they have money, Aquarius will always share with people who do not have enough, showing their large heartedness and magnanimous attitude towards wealth.
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