Last updated on 01.07.2024

Increase your odds for success in your career & business success with the Business and Career Horoscope

Professions shape our future and fortune in life. Therefore, it is imperative that we plan well ahead of time and make sound decisions. The right beacon can guide us to the right path towards success in our career. What’s more important is loving what you do and doing what you love. This is where our Career horoscope and career prediction can assist you. It’s time to seek answers to all questions related to your career choices. And how’s that possible? Just with your accurate birth details. That’s all it takes to analyse the right professional choice for you. This is possible with the help of Vedic astrology and your birth star that helps to determine the right career options for you based on your personality traits and aptitudes. The Free career Horoscope Report provides a preview of your career options, potential opportunities, favourable periods for career and business, and much more.


40 suitable career options


60 Favourable periods

What we need:

Your Birth Details

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Over 50,000 professional astrologers

Based on

90+ Vedic scripts with over 3,00,000 hours of research


Users from over 150 countries avail our services


Serving more than 110 million users for over 40 years.


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Clickastro Hindi Review on Indepth Horoscope Report - Sushma
Clickastro Hindi Review on Full Horoscope Report - Shagufta
Clickastro Review on Detailed Horoscope Report - Shivani
Clickastro Full Horoscope Review in Hindi by Swati
Clickastro In Depth Horoscope Report Customer Review by Rajat
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Clickastro Horoscope Report Review by Aparna
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Why is Clickastro the most authentic and unique provider of online astrology?

Clickastro has been providing online astrology services for the longest time. It has served over 110 million users and has a knowledge base built up over 40 years of research and development. This establishes Clickastro as a reliable brand in the field of online astrology.

Predictions in astrology are obtained with careful determination of every variable and through the application of complex mathematical equations. The margin of error for such calculations is very small and takes away the scope of human error. Such precise calculations necessitate advanced and specialised astrological knowledge of the Hindu calendar, which we have possessed since 1984.

The Free Career & Business Horoscope online report that you will obtain is the result of decades of research by over 100 Vedic astrologers. The wisdom accumulated over the past 40 years allows us to summarise your life in 60 pages, using simple words for easy comprehension.

Features of Free Career & Business Horoscope

Your Career & Business horoscope summary

(Please provide accurate birth details)


You have _______ Yogas in your horoscope

The Raja Yoga bestows positions of power and authority. Find out your Yogas in your horoscope

Career Options

You have ______ career choices in your horoscope

Know the most suitable career options based on your personality traits and characteristics.

Favourable Periods

You have _________ favourable periods for your career & Business

The most auspicious periods where you can achieve the maximum success in your career & Business.

Dasa Apahara

You have ________________ favourable Dasa Periods in your horoscope

Your favourable Dasa periods will help you to succeed in your career and business.

Get Free Career & Business Horoscope

Features of Career & Business Horoscope

Includes Predictions on Career & Business


Career Yoga

Gain insight into the powerful Yogas that determine your success in life.


Career Analysis

The analysis of the 10th house (House of career) provides various suitable options


Favourable Career Periods

Learn about the favourable periods in your career


Favourable Business Periods

Learn about the favourable periods for businesses.

This well researched Career & Business Horoscope is:


PDF Report




Vedic astrology



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Career & Business Horoscope

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User reviews
Average rating: 4.8 ★
2373 reviews
Nice plz tell me. When will get job this month or not all are calling but not replying my life will be like this will never get ajob
bikash chandra roy
I am very much happy for lovely information and prediction for every aspect of life time. Thanks a lot. High regards.....
Seriously awesome service. I believe in astrology and God. Your free version itself giving so much of moral support and advice.Thank you.
Even though I'm only using the free version... Still it's very good.
I find the free career horoscope insightful for career planning. A valuable resource for those looking to align their career path with astrology
ClickAstro's Career Horoscope has been a compass in my professional decisions. While the insights were accurate, a bit more specificity would be advantageous. Still, a reliable compass for careers.
siddharth menon
ClickAstro's Career Horoscope Report guided me towards better career choices. The predictions were quite accurate, and the insights helped me make informed decisions. While I wish it included more career development tips, I still find it a reliable service for career guidance."
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Good customer service
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I got the free career horoscope from Clickastro and was quite surprised at its preciseness in predictions. I am happy that I have been able to pursue a career of my choice. Thanks Clickastro! Keep up the good work
Good career horoscope report
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Thankyou for details shown in astroveda
Very good
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It is a very good App. Almost all predictions about my life seem to be accurate.
Very good Thank u so much
Aweee...Get some idea through this..
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Read Free Career Horoscope Reviews

What’s in the Report?

Attributes for Career Growth

Did you know that your personality traits also influence your career? For example, if you are an introvert person, you may not enjoy a job that involves interacting with a lot of people. Therefore, it is essential to choose the profession that matches your personality. This is where career astrology comes to the rescue. The Career & Business Horoscope deeply analyses your personality traits and characteristics that have an impact on your career. This helps you to understand both your positive and negative traits. It also helps you in reinventing yourself and advance in your profession.

Analysis of 10th House

The 10th House in one’s natal chart is known as the House of Occupation or Karma. This house defines your career and social standing in your horoscope. It also reveals a great deal of information about the type of career that would be suitable for you and where you can earn high success, position, remuneration, etc. An in-depth analysis of this house provides detailed information on the rasis and the planets in this house that can influence different employment prospects.

Career Overview

Everyone aspires to have a successful career. A person needs to be respected and admired in addition to being creatively and financially satisfied for their career to be successful. You must be in the appropriate setting and performing the appropriate duties for this to occur. Your physical tenacity and emotional temperament, as well as other aspects of your horoscope that may affect your professional life, will all be highlighted in the report. You will learn from the report what kind of work experience you may have. Some of you might struggle with having a good relationship with coworkers, while others might struggle with superiors. You might get off to a fast start and then fade away, or you might run into difficulties early on before eventually mastering your field. All of this varies from person to person. For this reason, if you are serious about wanting a successful career, a career horoscope is crucial.

Yogas for Career

The report analyses your various yogas that may have an impact on your career in addition to your innate traits. Sometimes it might be your yoga to enter politics or to relocate for work in a foreign country. Your horoscope's predictions for yoga give you a heads-up idea on what to expect when looking for work. Some of us aspire to have a comfortable income and a stress-free life. Others might want to start their own businesses and give people a way to live. It frequently happens that you may begin as a salaried employee and later gain the necessary knowledge to launch your own business on your own. Making money may be a priority in a career for some people, while for others it could be creative satisfaction.

Favourable Periods

Whatever the circumstances, your career will experience difficulties, just like your life. There are times that are advantageous for you to move forward, such as when you switch jobs, launch a business, or grow an existing one. There are also unfavourable times when you should stay put and avoid exploring uncharted territory. The report will inform you of the best times to request a promotion or, if you are not happy with your current position, consider changing careers. It might enable you to discover your true purpose in life. You can pave the way for others to follow by acting as a trailblazer. They will look up to you for your ingenuity and your courage in setting an example. Finally, you will feel content knowing that you lived a successful and worthwhile life that was worth a lot to you and even more to others.

What’s NOT in the Report?

Negative Astrology

For many years, astrology was utilized as a tool to promote fear tactics among people. These would often include expensive rituals as remedial solutions to the problems, even when such remedials solutions were not necessary.

At Clickastro, we promote positive and constructive predictions and remedial measures only when they are utmost necessary. These are based on the doctrines mentioned in ancient Vedic scriptures and genuine astrology.

What Is Career Astrology and How Can It Help You?

Astrology studies the position and placement of the cosmic objects during the time of a person’s birth and tells us a lot about their personality and how their life is going to be. There are different branches of astrology and career horoscope is one of the most sought after by individuals to find the answer to the problems related to their career. Of the twelve houses in a horoscope, insights about a native’s career can be represented by the fifth house, ascendant and the tenth house of the birth chart.

Moreover, for complete and detailed analysis of the career horoscope and prospects of the native, the sun sign and the moon sign also have to be taken into consideration. The moon sign denotes what we are, and if the moon isn’t strongly positioned in the birth chart, it could mean weakness of thought and emotions, which isn’t a good indication of a successful career choice.

As the astrological predictions can indicate what fate has in store for us, a career horoscope can be a powerful tool to guide an individual to decide on a career and achieve growth and success in it.

Career Prediction by Date of Birth

In Indian astrology, career prediction by date of birth can give detailed insights about which career options can work best for an individual. Given below is a generalised analysis of the career paths according to birth dates and zodiac signs. Whether you are looking for a free prediction in career astrology or a step by step analysis of your professional life, Clickastro can help you make the right decisions for business success or career growth as well as enable you to eradicate the factors that may be impacting your career negatively.

● Aries (March 21st – April 19th) – a role in HR, police officer, entrepreneur, manager

● Taurus (April 20th – May 20th) – can do well as an architect, accountant, designer

● Gemini (May 21st – June 20th) – politician, public speaker, teacher

● Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd) – teacher, social entrepreneur, healthcare worker

● Leo (July 23rd – Aug 22nd) – musician, Senator, CEO of a firm

● Virgo (August 23rd – September 22nd) – healthcare worker, writer, editor

● Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd) – film-maker, lawyer, a government official

● Scorpio (October 23rd – November 21st) – doctor, crisis management, therapist

● Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st) – teacher, travel journalist, pilot

● Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th) – engineer, architect, administrator

● Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th) – photographer, entrepreneur, software developer

● Pisces (February 19th – March 20th) – psychologist, artist, therapist

Career Astrology prediction: Get a snapshot of your professional life

For any working person, their professional career is as important as their married life. A career horoscope is one of the most searched items on the internet. Clickastro provides detailed career horoscope predictions at the click of a button. The report will analyse the various Rashi and planetary impacts on your professional life and inform you about good phases and bad phases with work life. Career horoscope by date of birth can be availed by giving your name and birth details. The report is prepared by special software, which will ensure precision and avoid any human errors that might creep in otherwise. As per Vedic astrology, celestial bodies have a powerful influence on your career horoscope.

Once you become aware of the insightful details contained in a career horoscope prediction report, your life is guaranteed to take a turn for the better. It will help you make wise and informed decisions about your professional life. If you require further help with your career horoscope by date of birth, you can opt for a personal consultation with an astrologer of your choice through Findastro. There are many attractive offers to get you started. Take full advantage of this opportunity now and open your eyes to hitherto unseen aspects which have a huge influence on your professional life.

Impact of Dashas in your professional life:

Your free career horoscope report will help you understand the importance of dashas in your life chart. The dashas are a sign of how the planets affect your life because the system works on the concept of Nakshatras, that is, each dasha is controlled by one of the nine celestial bodies. The impact on each phase of your life is determined by the position of the planet in the birth chart.

In a career prediction by date of birth Indian astrology, the initial point of each mahadasha, for you, depends on the planet that is ruling your birth constellation. Each nakshatra has a ruling planet and the first dasha is decided by the nakshatra, the position the Moon occupies at your birth time.

Various mahadashas will influence different parts of your life, which are often ruled by that planet, and their favorable positions can provide us with the push needed for fame, honor, monetary benefits, and so on. If there are any unfavorable positions then it can harm the person’s professional life.

Doshas - how can Clickastro help with career astrology?

Clickastro helps you answer the question, “When will I get a job?”, and more. If you are facing obstacles and setbacks in your professional life, the best chance you can take is to visit Clickastro for an accurate career astrology prediction. Enter your birth details, and receive a career horoscope report for free. This free career analysis tool is based on Vedic science concepts and will provide you with a detailed prediction of your career prospects by analysing your astrological nature.

Additionally, a close analysis of your online career horoscope may reveal to you whether your professional horoscope includes doshas or not. If there is any dosha present, then you need an effective remedy to rectify it. Some of the kundli doshas that will trouble your career aspects are Manglik, Kaal, or Sarp dosha.

Manglik Dosha- This occurs when the planet Mars arrives in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth house in your horoscope chart. Most people have this dosha in their birth chart and it is believed that if someone has the Manglik Dosha they can have financial troubles and other negative influences that will affect their career.

Kaal and Sarp Dosha- This dosha includes the word “Kaal” which is a sign of death and “Sarp” indicates snake. According to Vedic astrology concepts, this dosha is triggered when all the planets are on one side of Rahu and Ketu. This increases the intensity of the celestial bodies, and you may experience misfortunes in all aspects of your life.

Consultation services are available

Having gone through your report, you are likely to have some questions about your future career. The presence of doshas may even bring you some worry. Here is the chance to clarify all of it. Use Clickastro's consultation services to connect with top astrologers. You will receive expert guidance and remedies for your doshas. The report you purchased fulfils its purpose through them. So, come forward and take advantage of this service.

Frequently Asked Questions On Career Astrology

Can I trust Vedic astrology to help decide my career?

Vedic astrology is one of the oldest methods that can help you in deciding your career option based on your Birth Nakshatra. Since the prediction is made based on your traits and characteristics according to your birth chart, the advice will be sound and personalized to you.

When will I get a job?

This question often haunts every job seeker and student. If you are one of them, use our free career astrology report. Using our report, you can easily identify what are your favourable periods for applying for opportunities and when to expect positive outcomes.

What profession suits me the best and how can I determine it?

Our report makes use of Vedic astrology and based on your character attributes, your skills, and aptitude determines what profession/job title suits you the best. Generally, Hindu mythology considers 4 Varna’s (categories) of the work basis of an individual’s skill, mental ability, and expertise.

Can my career horoscope help me find my dream job?

Your career horoscope is a snapshot highlighting different aspects of your professional life. So, if you are confused about your future career, simply take the help of this career astrology report and identify if the job title/profession you seek is suitable for you or not. It will also enlist favourable periods of your life making it easier for you to narrow down your list and search for the jobs you are most likely to succeed in.

What information will I get in this career horoscope report?

This report is personalised as per the birth details that you provide and gives you a clear insight into your entire career, your skills and aptitudes, favourable career options, and even yoga and asanas that you can perform to boost your productivity at your chosen career.

When should I try for a job change?

The decision to switch your job profile must be taken carefully as it can seriously hamper your fortunes if you step into a wrong profile or domain. So, if you want to make a career change, take the help of this free prediction report to make the right choice. Our free career astrology by date of birth can help you understand what are the most favourable job profiles for you and the right time to go for a job change.

When will I get a promotion?

If you are looking for a promotion, Clickastro’s career astrology prediction report can let you know whether the time is favourable for you or not. Having prior knowledge about opportunities or favourable periods can cut down your extra efforts and provide you with valuable inputs to augment your career growth.

Will I ever work abroad or venture into business?

Your complete career horoscope can predict a lot about the nature of your work. It can also provide details on the kind of ‘work you do’ and information about your place of work. Thus, by carefully analyzing our career astrology report, you can arrive at a conclusion on whether you will get the opportunities to work abroad or not.

With this report, you can also determine if you have the required potential, skills, and aptitude to undertake a business. Similarly, it gives you valuable insights into the right business opportunities and favourable periods to start or develop your business.

Which field of life is Saturn responsible for?

Saturn plays the most significant role in the career of a person.

How can my career horoscope guide me in overcoming challenges in my current job?

Your career horoscope provides valuable insights into the astrological influences affecting your professional life. By studying planetary positions and aspects, it can highlight potential challenges you might face in your current job. It offers suggestions for understanding and navigating these challenges, such as improving communication skills, building stronger relationships with colleagues, or adapting to changing circumstances. Remember that while your career horoscope offers guidance, your proactive efforts and positive attitude play a significant role in overcoming obstacles and achieving success in your current role.

Can Astrology Help in Finding Work-Life Balance?

Yes, astrology can offer insights into your work-life balance by analyzing your birth chart and the positions of relevant planets. It can guide you on managing career demands while maintaining a fulfilling personal life. Our astrologers can provide strategies for achieving harmony in both aspects of your life.

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