Free Love compatibility between Taurus Man and Taurus Woman

Taurus Man Taurus Woman
(21 Apr - 21 May)
(21 Apr - 21 May)
Quality Fixed, Feminine, Negative Fixed, Feminine, Negative
Element Earth Earth
Ruler Venus Venus
Symbol Bull Bull
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Love Compatibility Report

This two Bull combinations will prove to be an unbeatable one if they share the same goals. Both can get on together in absolute harmony if they have a house, children, property and money. They may one day sought out for some excitement. If a typical male Bull is spiritually evolved, he will possess the same calm, silent strength of purpose as his astrological symbol.

Two Taureans who have very distinct ideas brought together will become more reasonable with each other than they are with other signs that have the contrary opinion. Taurus people are determined and firm in their convictions, besides this they are also completely reasonable.

Association between two Taureans will be tranquil, steady and mutually comforting. They will have a respect for each other's rights and will be completely loyal towards the other. Both of them will be single minded about what they want. But if they are tend to disagree, resolution will turn out to be a tough job.

In a love affair between a Taurus and a Taurus, both will face many situations when their mutual stubbornness, and refusal to look at the other side will land them up in a position making them difficult to communicate with each other. But their ability to shrug off disappointment and to learn from experience will come to the aid of them to deal with this.

A Taurus man and woman have the potential to compile a sizable amount of money and material possessions. Both of them have the qualities of warm, loving and of getting sentimental, besides being hard working and loyal. But they also have a temptation to have the excess of everything, like food, drink, money sex and anything else.

Both the Bulls will have many differences to sort out before deciding to live together. They can get along well only after a lot of give and take. And once they are ready to live together, it will be really difficult to tear them apart. They make a happy self-satisfied couple who wants to lead their own lives without the intervention of a third party.

The Bulls have the potential to grow closer than most other pairs. If they can provide each other security, beauty, nature and pleasure, you will have a satisfying life ahead of you.

For both of them, the pressure of habit is high. As both are determined and purposeful, relation will be a test of wills. It will be a tremendous work on the partner to make each other pushed or pulled. All this will change and will achieve steadiness and stability once they get ready to commit to each other.

Both Bulls are somewhat practical, and concerned with material comfort and security. Neither of them likes to take chances with their time, money, energy or feelings. To summarize it can be said, Bulls need some good food, antique furniture and passionate sex, then they both will be assured that everything's O.K., safe and secure and are all set out for a gracious living. Don't expect anything ever to happen in their life, because they will be cemented together by the stability of inertia.

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